Thread: Introductions
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(#413 (permalink))
Sahaqiel (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 16
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: アメリカ。
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10-22-2009, 01:10 AM

こんばは(That's right, right? I'm confused since konnichiwa uses ha, and I dunno, they're similar.) サハキエルです。新しいです。
Anyway, I got recommended to this site through a friend, I would say, in my Japanese conversation class. (日本語コンヴアセイシアンクラス?) 彼女の名前は� �ネィーさんです。)
Err, her name is pronounced Tanei.
I wouldn't come out in the open and be like, "Yo, this member's name is THIS in real life, so help me find her," so I'll just wait for a PM, if she lurks this part of the board. (Also, swerr, I learned how to say "find", and I KNOW it has 見, but I can't remember the rest of the verb... 見-something.)
I'm new to a board that's foreign-culture oriented. I'm fairly sure the majority of US users don't exactly know the knee-hone-go, so I'm also a bit insecure about typing in Japanese to those who might. See, my origins with learning Japanese were under a Japanese person with such a high opinion of himself, it made me a bit ashamed and nervous to try and type Japanese to him. (Maybe that's why he disowned me as a friend and hates me now; I slipped up quite a bit and I may have offended him or decreased his opinion about me. But he got me started.)

So I'm also insecure about my speaking, grammar structure, etc.
In fact, I'm fairly sure I made some grammatical errors in my profile.
Please correct me at every turn, experienced people.

See, I am self-studied. I've studied on and off for about a year, now.
I'm taking a non curricular conversation class that's not really teaching me many new things, but it's really fun and stuff.

Anyway, in case you're worrying I'm one of those boring 'learning Japanese for business' types, (Though I'm sure they're not really boring) I'm pretty far deep into anime, having three or more on my watch list at any given moment and watching an episode or two every day or so. I used to marathon watch, but that's when I had time and free will. :/ And for those who do not approve of self-proclaimed 'American otaku', I'm not one of those either. I respect Japanese culture and try to adhere to its rules when in a Japanese setting, such as タマヨー先生's classroom. (I tried to guess the kanji in her full name, which, in the way I wrote it, translated into 'snowball'... 'yo', and she said it was correct, but then she typed her name in a certificate and it was 由紀, with her last name in katakana, if I recall correctly. I was disheartened. :() I am also a huge fan of Miyamoto-san, for he created The Legend of Zelda, and without that, I would be lost.

Anyway, before I start rambling too much, I just wanted to say 'sup to the general population and look for Tanei(?), etc.
'Cause I will only see her once a week and she's also a self studied person who seems like a cool 'Hey, let's speak and discuss random Japanese whenever' type of person, for which I have similar people for French.

So yeah, I'm Sahaqiel.
Please don't tell anyone.
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