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(#185 (permalink))
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TheFatalBeliever (Offline)
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04-22-2007, 06:53 PM

Hate to interrupt the person in the previous post, but I did want to say something, haha, as you can see. XD

First off, though, in reply to the person above who I'm too lazy to quote, lol, I wanna say that if you're basing it all off of the 'uncool' factor, stop it. I don't believe in 'cool' anymore. I'm 15 (damn young) and don't believe in being cool in the first place. They're just doing what they want to do because they enjoy it.

Now, back to what I REALLY wanted to say. At my high school, there's almost COMPLETE discrimination against otaku. It's like people consider it some type of disgusting race now. 9/10 people here would say that they would never TALK to an otaku and that they wouldn't even be able to carry on a conversation without somehow getting into a debate about how japanese skirts have evolved in the past four years (direct quote taken from someone i asked -_-). There's an Anime Club at my school, and along with it came the idea for a fucking 'Anti-Anime' club, which was all over the myspace forums for the school.

I've been ranting about this kind of thing for as long as I can remember since I've been into anime for so many years. Same basic argument that kind of revolves around this 'Why can't people be open to ideas from other countries instead of believing America's the best and anything from outside it HAS to suck." Lots of people say that anime's ridiculous, but seriously. Just think of this.

Me: I watch anime. Filled with blood and gore and several other things that you wouldn't consider to be childish, ya know? Rated NC-17 fcking cartoons.

People who say American cartoons are a lot better: American cartoons= most aimed towards CHILDREN. In many arguments people at my school may say Spongebob's better than Samurai X. -_- That's just the saddest thing I've ever heard.

All it is is a bunch of close-minded idiots who, most of the time, are too stubborn and immature to give something new a chance.

Yet again, sorry for the rant. T_T'''' But, God I love ranting about this in particular. XD

Dir en Grey never ceases to amaze me...

...but I'm easily amused and have OCD and ADD, so I guess that's not saying much, right?

Aw, man, you ate my hyper!!!

Add me =D

Last edited by TheFatalBeliever : 04-22-2007 at 06:55 PM.
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