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(#219 (permalink))
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Bea (Offline)
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04-22-2007, 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by Ichirin View Post
How to survive on Japanese territory when allergic to fish:
-try to avoid all japanese people at all times, do not sleep with anyone who's is/might be japanese because she will feed you sushi when you're asleep
-when the customs pull you over for a routine sushi-check-up just keep on running/driving/flying/or whatever you are doing.
-If you see some guys in an alley raping a young girl, do NOT pay attention to them, it's actually an evil sqeem by the Japanese governement to force you to eat sushi. I haven't figured out yet how, but i see the connections.
-If you feel a small square in your shoulder after you've fallen asleep without noticing try to yank it out, each 5 minutes it insertets some sushi straight into your bloodline causing you to die.
-if you are being forced to eat sushi and held in jail for not eating sushi, try to kill yourself if you don't want to die of a sushi-way death.
Luckily I'm not allergic to fish! XD

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