Anti-Whaling Japanese people almost never say things like you do. Have you asked your friends about how they really feel about your view of "Dolphins are self-aware. So We can't eat them. Pigs aren't, so we can"? What was the response?
I'll say one thing about the idiotic morons of SEA SHEPHERD (lefty Sea Sheep) who live in Seattle Washington. They deserve zero support after being caught on video during the Sendai Tsumani of how right it was for the sea to "kill off a few japs." Those idiots can go to hell along with their cause.
As for the dolphins, if the Japanese could prove that slaughtering them was for the purpose of national subsistance, I might feel more sympathy but I don't see any such purpose with what they're doing.
There comes a time when luxury exceeds humanity, it's time for them to stop this.