Thread: Anime fights
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TheDemonNaruto (Offline)
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Anime fights - 04-25-2007, 05:58 AM

You knew I was gonna do this eventually, I had something like this when I was still new

In this thread, I want you to tell me any and I mean ANY fight you would have between two anime characters! They can be from the same anime who never meet, or they can be from two different anime! For example

The fight I would kill to see would have to be Hyuuga Neji(Naruto) VS Sesshoumaru(Inuyasha). These are like two of my most favourite anime characters ever!!

Army- D.N.A. (The Demon Naruto Army)
Gen.- TheDemonNaruto
P.M.G.- MarkDuff
Ltn.- Tsuzuki
Maj.- Slykaz1
Brig.- Sutiiven
Pri.- Katchan6
JFMerc - Hyakushi
Animal Domesticate - Pjok
Secret Supplier- Dark Chao

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