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(#12 (permalink))
hagemusha (Offline)
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Join Date: Nov 2006
11-27-2006, 04:28 AM

Originally Posted by Kazumi View Post
Hey hagemusha! How good do you have to be in order to do a exchange program to Japan because I have the same idea as you do.
Sorry for the late reply. I study business at York University, and York U has a lot of good connections with Japanese universities. Our Exchange Program includes Japanese universities such as Kyoto University, Meiji University, Keio University, Dokkyo University (not Tokyo U, this university is supposed to be good for studying English), etc. Those are definately among the top universities in Japan, and Japanese students study like hell just to enter into those. The courses you will be studying can be taught in English, or Japanese, or both, it depends on the university. I'm not sure about the requirements, but I assume it won't be too hard for me since I already passed the second level of Japanese langauge study at York, and my prof actually talked to me in private telling me to go do the exchange.

The only problem with doing an exchange program in Japan is the cost. I don't remember the exact cost for housing, tuition, textbooks, and facility costs, but you can check on the universities' websites, and it's ridiculously expensive. I pretty much gave up the idea of exchange program since it doesn't help towards my business degree, it is very costly, and I rather try to find some non-teaching job opportunities in Japan or try to enter a company in Canada with connections with Japan.

Last edited by hagemusha : 11-27-2006 at 04:30 AM.
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