Thread: Amazing...
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Ichirin (Offline)
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04-25-2007, 09:41 PM

Yes, that's true Yaksoduk-whatever. But it's also true that we have invented more in the last century then in all the previous centuries together, based on this new inventions will come and aid us in our search for aliens and will make our space journeys much easier. As for living on the moon is actually quite impossible, currently most parts of the moon are being owned by people who bought those parts and will probably not be sold again to NASA or whatever so they can do more research there and be able to build a moon-base.

Knowies: Did you know were living on a 1,000,000 planet that was formed from dust twirling around in the galaxy that has been attracted after a giant shockwave troughout the universe.

Starrin' & Teasin'

I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here

Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here
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