04-30-2007, 07:13 PM
3 in my left ear and 2 in my rigght and for my 17th b-day either belly button or my tounge... not sure yet...
ok well m friend periced my top hold in my left ear (the cartlidge) because my mom wouldn't let me get it done, so she did it in the bathroom at my church. I took really good care of it. So like 5 weeks later on our way to Ash Wednesday service, my mom saw it and flipped. And earlier that day at physical thepary, my dad saw it... it was funny but she saw how much O cared about it and how well I kept it so she let me keep it. =] but on the flip side, I did get grounded for a week for keeping it a secert. oh well! still my fav pericing!!
Life goes on.
But I'm gone.
Cause I'll die without you.