05-01-2007, 02:03 AM
Ok, here it tis:
My love reamains a captured jewel
a glimmer of hope, a treasured tool
the enlightment of the incandescent sky
the beauty of the stars in your eye
my love is forged in a strong mould of trust
but corrupt with fear for loss of your lust
your warmth is empowered by this pyre
so are your dreams, your hope with desire
securely you glide, because your heart knows
my eyes are froever watching your glow
yearning your bodys tenderness here and there
wrapping you in safty, confort and care
this flame is yours for now and forever
to feel in your heart, to trust and to treasure
never will i think of being so crule
to surpass your heart and bury this jewel.
That is the poem that hisuwashi wrote for be
the real truth is often the one we dont want to hear
i am the tears that fall, you are the blood on my skin, we are mingled forever again, here we stand, hand in hand, but ill let go when my time has come, time for u to fly alone