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kokunin (Offline)
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"thought Contact" - 05-02-2007, 02:18 AM


The guilt
That one feels from the watching of one's own
By another is horriible
You think
"That guy will beat me."
Your fear Is selfish
Never thinking
"I'm older and stronger"
Never believing
You can do it
You watch...
O how the thoughts and memories from the future torment your past...

She was 18
Filled with vitality, hope, and
Closeness with people I saw no use in
So I watched person after person
Without a care in the world
I understood death,
It held no real value to ome
"Why does everyone cry?"
"Why do I not cry?"
A tear rolled out of my eye
i brooded over these thoughts
An ever since I've cried
One tear for every person that I know has died
Just to make sure the
Existence of my sister is not forgotten...

"Why am I here"
"What is the point of my existence"
"Better yet,
What is the point of our creation,"
Never got an answer on the latter
Got one on the other
Life is funny like that,
Always to each his own...

The freindships of past were fun
People change
Like always
Without notice
They move on from one event
Just to go to another
On purpose
By mistake
Noone else is sure
But who cares
to see my freind of grade school now is rare, yet
Who knows
He's different
That's okay
So am I
But he's gone the road of so many black men
I'm still waiting...

Dreams that one can't control are the weirdest
They feel like
Like everyday life, yet
They're not
Van racing over the bridge
Everyone sleeping
I'm awake
I look up at the driver's seat
Asleep too...
I try to wake him up
He falls over
Car swerves
Feet off the floor
Why God
Are they asleep


"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

good night...
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