Originally Posted by nihonga
I am in my 30's and I've lived in Tokyo for several years - even though I'm originally from California. Tokyo is an amazing city.
I have heard some other gaijin complain about living here because of this or that problem, or they miss their home or whatever, but I haven't had second thoughts about living here.
If you have a chance to live in Tokyo, I recommend it - there are always so many things going on - so many clubs, so many events, so many awesome people. 
thats good to hear. (yeah its me, the guy who askd the question. lol, didn login when i made the post)
lol, i dun think i'd get used to the label 'gaijin' soon though. lol. But i hear they seem to have this superiority figure over the japanese there? lol, thats somewhat amusing.
from cali? i'm canadian, yay! lol.
i'm planning on doing a few visits over the year before i finish up my studies and then move thetre fully later. tokyo would be one of the spots i'll check out before i get in there.
gah, only thing is i wish i was able to do this when i was younger, seems like you miss a lil chance to do some things when you get older. lol. i'm only 21, but still. >_>...
i actually thought about doing an exchange program back when i was in highschool....what stopped me? well, the fact only MY school didn have one. -_- go figure. lol. ah well.