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(#403 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
Great, just my luck.
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05-03-2007, 09:35 PM

I can't see the difference between a PS3 and a XBOX 360 really. I prefer the XBOX 360 so far. Reason is, cheaper, same graphics to my eyes, better games so far, DMC4 is going to Xbox 360, FFXIII might most probably going to 360.

Now tell me. Why would I spend 500 odd pounds on something that doesn't as good games as 360 and basically to my eyes the same graphics?

I'm not one of those fan boys who are like " OMG PS3/XBOX360 PEWNS XBOX360/PS3! LOLOLOL" PS3 has good points too. But not many in my favour.

Plus. This is Sony we are talking about.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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