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Salvanas (Offline)
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05-03-2007, 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by Oren View Post
Well, Salvanas I tend to agree with you on some of those points. Although I am a definite L supporter. I never really warmed up to either Near or Mello. I guess I like Near a little better mainly because he sits like L, and he seems more like L in whole. (So does my son by the way..he sits like L all the time and when he picks things up he only uses a few fingertips)
I do like the idea of a whole school being dedicated to teaching unique geniuses to follow in L's footsteps. But none of them will ever come close to L's intelligence. I know that many will debate Light is the more intelligent because he "beat" L, but I have faith in L's protegee that they will get vengence.
Bah. One full school of L look-alikes is enough for any Light supporter to go mad.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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