Thread: Child Adoption
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05-06-2007, 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by Uxintatei View Post
Ah, I see
I like Tokyo, but it's way too busy and too expensive
I know Osaka is also busy, but I've seen pictures and it seems a lot nicer than Tokyo.
Really? In my experience, Tokyo is generally cleaner and safer - mainly because it`s like a tourist capital. It has to look pretty.
Osaka is sort of a dirtier, more dangerous version of Tokyo.

I don`t like Tokyo, but I like Osaka even less.
I live outside the next largest city, Nagoya, which is clean, safe, and a lot cheaper - but still with all the amenities of the big city. (10 million people in this area) It`s generally cheaper because it`s actually designed around living and not looking cool (Tokyo) or making money (Osaka).

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