Originally Posted by pandayanyan
What sort of portfolio should I put together? Does general work experience help or would they rather just see schooling and grades/reccomendations? It wont be for awhile since im still in college but im trying to get it together fresh that way I have more time to perfect it for em when it counts.
You basically want to keep it as brief as possible while highlighting aspects of yourself or your background that make you appear like a teacher and master of the English language. Both your cover letter and resume should be no longer than a page. If you were applying for a job at a university or upper tier high school, then you may need a portfolio showing grad school credentials and any publications you have written or co-authored.
Maybe later on today I write up a sample of what I sent out last year when job hunting. And yes, two to three reccomendations from professors you've had will go a long way. (Especially if one of those was your Japanese teacher. Not that I learned anything, but that is neither here nor there.)