Posts: 6
Join Date: May 2007
Location: In Wonderland. :D
05-10-2007, 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by CoolNard
Why cant they understand that not everything in Asia has to do with Chinese and that anime isn't just some low-class cartoons?
I agree. =______=;;
Some people I know look at a manga or something someone else is reading and consider it nothing more than pretty pictures thrown together into a plot that an average preschooler came up with. Seriously...it's irritating.
ANOTHER thing that really irritates me...
Yesterday, some guy in my school that I didn't even know walked up to me and asked me to read something that was in Chinese, because he didn't know what it said.
I just stared at him, and asked him why he thought I was Chinese.
You know what his answer was?
"Well, you look like it."
I'm glad that not everyone thinks like that, but I'm still a little uneasy about how some people do.
I was a little offended when he said that, and my friend beside me, who was Vietnamese, was even more offended.
In the end, I told him what I could, anyway. .___.;;
Yes, I need to stop rambling and selecting random things to comment on.
...And in case anyone was wondering, I'm mostly Chinese. Cantonese, to be exact.
SQUEEE~~! >w< Happy birthday, Rikku-san! :D
Whooo~, randomness! >w<
A lways
W ith
M e