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(#129 (permalink))
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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Japan
05-10-2007, 09:05 AM

Sadly enough, you better stay in school and earn that degree. The degree is for the purpose of getting the work visa through immigration rather than being a requirement of your employer. Japan places different requirements for nationals of different countries that must be met in order to obtain a working visa. For Americans, Britains and other "first world countries" they will most likely require the minimum of a university degree. Now say if you were a Brazillian coming to work in a car plant, a university degree may not be needed. I was at one point in time going to look into the specifics of working visas but have never found the time. I would check out the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Labor for details.

If you are American and without a degree, your visa will be valid for three months and not qualify you to work unless it is a student visa and you get permission. The other day, I saw on JF that there was even a question over whether dependents, spouses or otherwise of those with working visas, would be able to work in Japan even just part time. Which is not really enough to support oneself in my opinion much less be able to travel.

Last edited by jasonbvr : 05-10-2007 at 09:08 AM.
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