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05-11-2007, 05:12 AM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
This thread has alot of information. It will take awhile to read it thoroughly and grasp what was written. If you answered the questions I am about to ask, please re-direct to where they were first posted, so as to not bother you. So here's what I'd like to ask

Do you still share you extra room to people who travel to Japan?

And I recall you saying that a tourist visa is only good for 3 months. With that said, how much money do you recommend an American brings for that time there? You can give just a minimum number if you'd like.
To be quite honest, I don`t really remember what I`ve answered and what I haven`t answered.

We took a long break from sharing the room, and future plans are still up in the air. I think it would really seriously depend upon the person. We did plan to share the room with someone for a month this summer, but plans have changed for them, and their visit has been moved to next year.

Money for three months really seriously depends upon what sort of situation you`re in.If you`re staying in a hotel, you`re going to need a ton (I don`t even want to try and figure that one out...) If you rent a short term apartment, you will need at least enough to pay rent (around $900/month) and for food expenses.
If you stay with someone, you can usually manage on significantly less. Our room, for example, was $250/month with basic food and utilities included.

The rest is really up to what you want to do and how much spending money you feel you need.

ETA: I`m talking about around here, not in Tokyo where everyone seems to want to go. You`d need massively more there.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.

Last edited by Nyororin : 05-11-2007 at 05:14 AM.
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