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(#49 (permalink))
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Samael (Offline)
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Location: Alexandria Virginia, USA
05-11-2007, 12:49 PM

Well I'll admit the first season was much more action oriented, and I liked that. I found myself enjoying the story more than the action later on though. I guess it sort of depends on how into it you get.

As for the end, yeah I feel and extended prolouge is in order. Renton and Eureka wrapped up nicely I thought, but I could stand to see more of the rest of the crew.

I'm also hoping for an anime based on the games, just because I feel that something more needs to be done with the E7 universe. The mecha designs and art style are too good to be left unused. I think a more action packed prequel would give this a strong finish, and it could be used as an oppourtunity to fill in the backstories for the other characters.
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