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Nyororin (Offline)
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05-12-2007, 03:23 AM

Originally Posted by Xlll View Post
1. I'm quite interested in boarding in a room from the place you early mentioned. I mean, $250/month isn't half bad considering you get basic food and utilities, what more can I ask? So, where do I go about in Nagoya that offer these services, or is this place a "friends only" accommodation?
It`s a room in my house.
IF you were the type of person we would be willing to house, then it is open. I`m not just going to let *anyone* live in my house, you know?

2. What neighboring cities are found by Nagoya?
That depends on what you consider "neighboring". How far away can it be and still be considered a neighbor? How big does it have to be in order to be considered a city in your eyes? There are tons of cities - but I doubt you`ve heard of most of them.

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