05-14-2007, 05:08 PM
I agree with you. There are guilds that are HARDCORE and like " DO WHAT I WANT!"
There are, however, MANY guilds out there that are flexible.
The guild I was in before I left was BIG. It has many parts to it.
Theres the raiding team, ( I was in it) They are not HARDCORE gamers or raiders. We only done it on days we were all available. That was mostly 1 raid per week or something. Every Sunday we used to do a poll for the next week where peoepl put down which days they were free for. We then decided which day we raided. We was VERY flexible.
There's the social team, where if people who didn't WANT to raid or didn't have the time would be under this rank. However if they EVER wanted to come to a raid and we had a space. We'd invite them.
We had the begginers team, the people who newly start.
EACH team had a special own 'chat'
I was in ALL three chats ofc. And I always helped the begginers.
Our guild was huge. Friendly and fun.
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -