Thread: J.P.F. Missions
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MazarDantechildofdevil (Offline)
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J.P.F. Missions - 05-14-2007, 06:35 PM

Welcome to the JPF Mission page.

What is this Page About?:

This page is about JapanForum Missions, what I'm trying to say is that all JapanForum Members will be given ranks. Right now you're thinking this, "WHAT!?"
Well Anyone who comes on this page & "signs up" will be given missions. Beating missions will give you J.P.F.P. (JapanForum Points), the more points you accumulate will raise your rank. Besides, just beating missions the more you participate on J.P.F. the better, if you are active on Forum, don't derail, etc. Do this and you will accumulate more points.

  1. Type your name. Ex: MazarDantechildofdevil- Sign Up.
  2. I will than put your name in the "Database"
  1. Everytime you get more J.P.F.P I will add them next to your name.
    Ex: MazarDantechildofdevil-10
  2. Everytime you get a rank up that'll be added to.
    Ex: MazarDantechildofdevil-300-Privateer
    (Please do not post on this thread till I say the Okay.)
  3. Credits: Ex: MazarDantechildofdevil-300-Privateer-3

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