05-18-2007, 04:24 AM
I dont understand, why does Japan have this high child abandonment rate, is abortion illegal?
This is a very strange situation to me, and even more a saddenening one, at my age (16) it is not common to become pregnant but does happen, here in Australia we have one of the highest teenage pregnacy rates but we dont have cases like that, we also have a high abortion rate, and although i used to believe abortion was wrong my views have changed, i think adoption to be the best answer when a child is unwanted but when even that is too much for the mother/parents abortion can unfortuantly be a better answer.
Traumatised children, the abandonment of children, or the abuse of children due to being unwanted in unexceptable.
It makes me so angry.

I have lived a life longer then you or I know,
many time i have tread this path and made my choices,
yet my soul inhabits the young body of a girl...
And here i lie, awaiting my time to truely blossom