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05-19-2007, 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by SgtBeavis View Post
This isn't just done at a company parking lot. Many condos and even stores in Japan have something like this. Sometimes those lots have attendants that can move the lower car. But I've seen these lots in places where there were no apparent attendants. At Condos, I think both spaces may be owned by one household, so it is up to them to get the bottom car out of the way, but other than that I've never been able to figure it out.

When I've seen a parking lot like this, I've ALWAYS parked on the bottom and I try to find a spot that doesn't have a car on top.
All the ones I have seen that aren`t a) both owned by the same person or b) a company parking lot, allow the bottom car to be lowered into an underground spot. For condos, that is really popular.

I`ll just scratch my head at the store one, because I`ve never seen a store using those. Attendants I have seen, but they`re usually to raise and lower them, not to actually move the cars.

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