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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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05-19-2007, 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
I'll give you two scenarios then.
1. The streets are filled with murderers and people who would resort to crime to achieve their selfish agendas.
2. An annonymous savior who only eliminates criminals and those in his way, and not having to live in fear of him if you aren't guilty of anything evil.
As I've stated, if people don't commit crimes, why be afraid at all? Even if Kira kills you, it'd only be for a better cause. Nobility and self-sacrifice are what many are lacking in.
Why is he not just? Who is more worthy then? What more desirable way to use the death note then? If those agents can't comprehend Light's true intentions instead of just focusing on the surface of his actions, they are the ones who aren't worthy of being who they are. Our system is screwed up because only these guys have authority? That's pretty much akin to agreeing with me on my views. Authority should be shared among people similar to Light.

If those who beared the same goals as him had to be taken out by Light, they wouldn't mind - sacrifice and nobility for a greater result. If the victims can depict it as justice, why can't we?

I'll present another scenario here.
- Given that you have the power to save a bus full of passengers who've been paralyzed by some sort of poison. The bus-driver has been murdered. You're the only one who has achieved a driver's liscense. And you see a baby about to fall out of the bus window. You have two choices. To save the baby, or get movin' and direct the bus's velocity and rescue everyone else.
People can live in fear even if they aren't guilty of a crime. Why? Because people fear what they can't see and touch. People don't like knowing that something is controlling the world around them that they can't interact with. As humans we want to control our own lives, and be free and independent. If someone is killing people then who is to say that the person won't change their ideals, just because they are able to, and start to make others suffer, as just to demonsrate their continuing abilites?

Light is not just because he will do anything to secure his place as god, and ruler of our world. If he was true to his goals, and what he says then he'd find some other means to kill off criminals and not kill the innocent. He is too quick to take the life of someone else, all in the hopes of securing his rule faster. Who says the agents don't comprehend Light's true intentions? They are paid to do their jobs. If someone tells them to investigate someone who is suspected of being a killer, they can't back down. It is their duty as an enforcer of the law to do so.

If authority was shared to people like Light, then the rules of this world would have to be re-written. When someone is put to death it is because the government makes it so, and the jury has ruled the person guilty, by the right evidence. It is up to the people as a whole to decide what to do to the criminals. It isn't up to one man to decide the fate of the world. That is a dictatorship. And most of the world is run on a demoractic system.

It is their own choice if they want to be sacrificed for the greater good. If they want to die for something they'll never see then that is also their choice.

Who says people are unable to save themselves? All someone has to do is that the initiative and help themselves instead of sitting back and waiting for someone else to save them. If people as a whole didn't act weak, then they wouldn't need Light. But humans are to into god, and a greater heavenly power that they want seomone else to be their protector and savior.

(I'll reply to the second half in a moment. I have to go do some stuff.)
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