erg...I'M BACK!

yeah, I'm sooo busy, i completely fogot I was posting here! ^^;
Originally Posted by kudo
omg, i once had my closet space moved around so the top section was a pokemon shrine! i'm tlaing erasers, cards, pencils, plush, rubber, game, etc etc etc...@_@;; lol, i loved pokemon. but the it got so repetive..and life got in the way and i wasn't as crazy as i was. but if you were to ask me if i like pokemon now, i would say yes. twice. and then nod. >_>
btw, i still have that collection...xD
I was the same! XD, well, minus the shrine, but if I saw something pokemon, i'd be like "OMG! I NEED THAT!" and, being a spoilt brat, I'd get it. I have TALKING MONEYBANKS for goodness sake...
a fandub is exactly that. a group (of fans) put their voices into the anime and dub the place of the japanese version. there have been numerous attempts at this, including for chobits, mahou sensei negima, and some others. but they usualy progress really slowly (due to lack of popularity or...well, failing. lol)
Okay, yeah. Me and my friends tried that, but for our own entertainment. I dont think it would work as well...
thats an odd number you chose to scale with...11...o_O lol

YAAAY for odd! XD I just grabbed a random number that sounded right.
I've now found PPG Z. It's really weird watching it, becasue I keep thinking of the original PPG, but it's grown on me! I think I really do like it...
haha, their transformation sequences RAWK.

Peace out! (<-- blame Scrubs)