Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#545 (permalink))
Kanji_The_Wanderer's Avatar
Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2006
05-20-2007, 05:23 AM

Ichirin feel before me to the ground as a large sword was removed from his back. His clothing faded, as well as the golden ring over his head. His blood splattered upon my face and clothes. As his fragile body lie there lifeless and motionless, a dark figure loomed over Ichirin, and he brandished a flaming sword. Ichirin's blood glowed in the cave's dim light. My anger began to grow. How dare this person attack a kid! What type of tyrant commits such a crime! I stand up, but my knees wabble. I am still very tired, and the wounds that I had received from the fight on the plains hadn't healed at all, so as I moved, my own blood came forth and fixed with Ichirin's. I reached into my pocket with my left hand and pulled out my final parchment piece, in blood, I wrote out a spell for wind. The entire time I did so, it seemed as if the figure was waiting for me to strick. I could hear his breath, much better then my weak breathing. His sharp pearly teeth stood out from the darkness....

"Who are you?!!" I shouted as a wind storm that I summoned blew into the figure's way. At this time, I picked up Ichirin's body from the cold ground and ran for the gate that he had come though. The torches in the halls were so bright compared to the pitch black of my cell, I had to squint my eyes and readjust myself to my surroundings. I took my reddened cloak and covered Ichirin's naked body with it. As I ran around in a panic unaware of what to do or where I was going, we both continued to lose blood. Ichirin won't last much longer if I don't do something. Dammit! Where is Nozomi?! I have to find her to. She could be dead by now, and I was just standing there. As I looked at Ichirin's young wrinkleless face, I began to cry abit. He's so young, and yet he's been made to endure so much misery and suffering...

I laid him back down across the ground, and removed the fire ring, Inferno from my chest pouch, that I had used in the battle in the snow against Akuma. I place the ring onto my finger and the voice of the mage Inferno fills my head. "Ho! Calling upon me again so soon? What is this about now boy? You have never called me this often. What do you want now? Don't forget, your summons to me are limited..."

"I am deeply sorry Inferno." I could barely speak, I was so weak. "Please, save this boy, there is nothing I can do. I don't have enough strength to call upon the other spirits, I am useless on my own unless I can re-discover my Elven powers inside me." Inferno is silent and doesn't say anything. "Please Inferno! I beg you! Save this young one's soul!" Inferno finally speaks. "There will be a price Tatsu. Spirits are of course forbidden to bring back the souls of the deceased. It'll cost you Ten years of your own life, Maybe Twenty, depends on how generous I am feeling today... Tell you what, since I like you, I'll only take the boy's age from your life." I pause for a moment and only a moment. "Fine, do what you must."

The ring glows madly on my left middle finger, and the entire sector in the prison is filled with a warm, light red glow.

I can feel as I grow weaker, as if someone is pushing out, from the inside of my head, and my entire body. Soon the light fades, and Ichirin opens his eyes.

(He left the place with the man who gave him his archangel powers, the red he saw as the man faded away was the light from the ring.) When Ichirin wakes up, Tatsu is lying unconscious face down on the ground. The ring is still glowing lightly upon his finger.

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 05-20-2007 at 06:56 AM.
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