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Kanji_The_Wanderer's Avatar
Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
Posts: 1,583
Join Date: Oct 2006
05-20-2007, 08:47 AM

Yeah I have no idea how I am managing to post all this still and it is 5am!! Oh crap! I just realized I have alot to do tomorrow before I work! man am I in for it. *rushes to death note thread exit before Rikku-chan!*

I have to go now. lol I am tired, but I got a second-wind and was able to type all that stuff for you guys! Aren't I generous? hugs Rikku back and gives handshakes to Shino,Nard,and Katashi. Katashi I should have known you come on the moment we start talking about Misa!

Well I'm off to bed, I'm going to put Ayumi on repeat on my headphones. Wait! I don't have a portable CDplayer!

Well good night again bu-byez!

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