Originally Posted by sakuraNOyousei
i would like to ask a request...
Since you are already japanese can you teach me?
I would offer to teach english in return but i see you are pretty fluent with that. please reply!
me?gomenasai. ano...watashi wa amerikajin desu. demo, nihongo ga sukoshi dekimasu.(sorry. um...i am american person. but i can do japanese well.)
im american...im not japanese at all...but i have been mistaken for a japanese exchange student.. omoshiroi desu. but i know japanese well enough to hold on a short conversation. i can ask directions and introduce myself etc etc.i am currently taking japanese 1...suprising huh? well, im taking japanese 2 next year and will be able to understand japanese even further. as for helping you, im willing...that is is you still want to...