I'd probably want to specifically not raise my kids in japan just because it's just not very chill. There seems to be a lot of running around, doing structured activities like Ju Do and Yoga and Flower Arranging and Sports and Calligraphy and whatnot...while these are all awesome for teaching kids socialization, determination, and so forth...I'd kinda rather my kids got so bored they ended up riding down a hill in a wagon like calvin and hobbes
probably i just want my kid to have a ton of free time because of how much i loved it when i was little.
also, I would like to say that it is very important to remember that kids are just as individual as adults are. I pretty much had to raise my little sisters too, and also spent a lot of time taking care of my cousins and other kids of all ages. Some of them did do a lot of tantrums and screaming and crying at 3/4yrs, but just as many did that more as babies. Then of course the babies who screamed a lot became the kids who screamed a lot.
also, on raising kids: my advice is just to make every decision based on love for your little girl. if you always keep her best interests in mind, and show her lots of love, she'll turn out just fine.
Also, if you get a toddler you may not be able to name her...i would have been furious if someone tried to change my name when i was four
BUT you can always give her a middle name!