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Niyusu (Offline)
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What Do Young Japanese Women Find Embarrassing? - 05-21-2007, 01:48 PM

Hazukashii - meaning ashamed, self-conscious or embarrassed - is often among the first words that new learners of the Japanese language encounter. What situations are most likely to make a female Japanese office worker in her 20s blush with humiliation?

One item, 9th on the list, raised the colloquial term hanketsu, literally "half ass" -- the portion of the anatomy exposed when a gal wears low-rise blue jeans. 94.7% of respondents said they felt embarrassed if low jeans revealed that they were wearing beige panties. As opposed, to only 84.3% who felt embarrassed if said jeans exposed a thong underneath.

The discovery of stocking runs embarrassed 69% of Japanese girls; finding a male walking beneath them on a stairway while wearing a miniskirt garnered 65.7%, while 65.3% said they would be embarrassed if they purchased new clothing and showed up at the office to find a coworker wearing an identical outfit.

Source: What it takes to make a modern Japanese girl blush | Japan Times
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