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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Japan
05-21-2007, 11:43 PM

Originally Posted by Xlll View Post
What do you mean by "not enough time". Also, when you flew in what did you do then? Considering you still did not have your work visa, or did they have it already prepared for you from there?
There was not enough time to mail my passport to Japan (two weeks) then have the visa application processed (up to three months) then mail it back (another two weeks) so I could come to Japan.

I started working without the visa because the company I am working for was not as concerned as having me start without one than the board of education. The board of education probably wouldn't work with the company to fill positions if they knew that most if not all of us start work without visas.

They brought me to the prefectural office about three weeks after I started, and the visa was granted to me that day. Some teachers that came at the exact same time I did had to go there two or three times before finally being given a visa after three months of working.
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