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CoolNard (Offline)
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05-22-2007, 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
People can live in fear even if they aren't guilty of a crime. Why? Because people fear what they can't see and touch. People don't like knowing that something is controlling the world around them that they can't interact with. As humans we want to control our own lives, and be free and independent. If someone is killing people then who is to say that the person won't change their ideals, just because they are able to, and start to make others suffer, as just to demonsrate their continuing abilites?

Light is not just because he will do anything to secure his place as god, and ruler of our world. If he was true to his goals, and what he says then he'd find some other means to kill off criminals and not kill the innocent. He is too quick to take the life of someone else, all in the hopes of securing his rule faster. Who says the agents don't comprehend Light's true intentions? They are paid to do their jobs. If someone tells them to investigate someone who is suspected of being a killer, they can't back down. It is their duty as an enforcer of the law to do so.

If authority was shared to people like Light, then the rules of this world would have to be re-written. When someone is put to death it is because the government makes it so, and the jury has ruled the person guilty, by the right evidence. It is up to the people as a whole to decide what to do to the criminals. It isn't up to one man to decide the fate of the world. That is a dictatorship. And most of the world is run on a demoractic system.

It is their own choice if they want to be sacrificed for the greater good. If they want to die for something they'll never see then that is also their choice.

Who says people are unable to save themselves? All someone has to do is that the initiative and help themselves instead of sitting back and waiting for someone else to save them. If people as a whole didn't act weak, then they wouldn't need Light. But humans are to into god, and a greater heavenly power that they want seomone else to be their protector and savior.

Why do you say our system is screwed up. What is so screwed up about it. Don't forget, all countries have different agendas and methods. You may not know it, but a lot of the time, ransom for someone or something is not paid. The authorities refuse to give in to terrorists, and they refuse to even cooperate with them. They'll just send a squad into the place and lay siege on the criminals. and if the hostages die, then that is sad, but the authorities cover it up. maybe thats what you mean by messed up. Our governments hide the true story, and feed the press what they want written in the papers. If Light was so true to his word, then he'd kill the kidnappers without much of a second thought. Even if that one guy is innocent, it is possible to kill all the rest and leave that one standing.

Killing the man in front of the loan sharks would not solve anything. Nothing can be clarified or fought against if you are dead. If the man dies, then the loan sharks will just go to someone else, and do the same thing and continue down their path of evil. But if the police were to become involved, or some authority figure, then it is possible that the shraks would be killed. and not the man or his family. People are so willing to give up a life to do what they want. But let's face it, in the end, the world never changes. It always manages to go back to the same way it has always been. People with power still manage to do what they want, and everyone else has to be envious.
Of course there will be a natural level of fear present. The main aim of this fear prevents crime from taking place. Judging by the anime storyplot, I would say fear is a much more effective factor as compared to the police and the laws. No one is saying humans cannot be free and independent. Go ahead, do whatever you want. Unless your definition of "free and independent" involves heavy crimes, then you're in for it. I mean, who (apart from criminals) doesn't wanna live in a crime-free world? The only ones Light will make suffer is evil people and those who get in his way of justice, even if it's merely for a demonstration. Given his obstinate, obdurate and intracable character, it is highly unlikely that he will change his ideals in the future, as compared to an average person. Light is the most suitable candidate in existence for the use of the death note.

Light only seems that way because he is the only one capable enough to do so. No ordinary human can even come close to measuring up to his intelligence. He was the first one in the anime world who took firm and righteous justice seriously and was also in possession of the death note at that point in time. Therefore, it is only fitting that he ruled as god and rule the world with his ideals. If we assumed he was a different person altogether in terms of intelligence and personaility but still retaining his ideals, he would definitely pass the power over to the one who has these characteristics. All the other means have been thoroughly exhausted, killing is but a last resort. Firstly, there is no reason why he should kill the innocent along with the criminals. Secondly, there were circumstances whereby he had to kill the innocent to avoid destroying even more innocence as a result. Thirdly, with the mind of a prodigy, he should be able to have considered the alternatives before taking a life. Forthly, think about it, Light has to be careful not to kill someone without a valid reason or alibi, now that Near and Mello are on the case, and even before, L. Precisely why I say the agents can't understand Light. If they did, they would have easily resigned from their posts and pledged allegiance to Light. No one is forcing them to enforce these so-called laws. They can back down if they insist on quitting.

Which is the reason between the difference in criminal rates when the officials are put in charge and when Light takes over. Since everyone's views differ in a discussion, not unlke this one, it is absolutely essential to note that there will be an inevitable conflict of ideas. Hence, a leader like Light is needed to determine things once and for all. On top of that, dictatorship isn't so bad when the dictator is able to meet the needs of the world and the general population by coming up with solutions that univesally identify with the majority - those who prefer peace over crimes. Like Rikku said justice is a word of undeniable equivoque. Most of the world is governed under a democratic because people are able to agree on these policies and rules.

Yes, I totally agree that it is their choice. This is what people are. Human nature is to be self-ambitious and greedy, or self-partial. This is also why our world is so miserable. People like Light work towards changing this, towards the ultimate salvation.

"If people didn't act weak". They keyword is "weak" - reason why they are unable to save themselves in their current state, which is where Light comes in. Exactly my point. Light has the initiative and the power to save the world, to erase injustice. That's why people look to him. Why do people consider him a god instead of a devil? Simple - he doesn't recklessly abuse his gifts. You may say L supporters consider him a reincarnation of the devil, but your statement was "But humans are into god... that they want someone else to be their protector and savior." By saying this, you're simultaeneously implying that to humans, Light is a god. Why use god instead of devil otherwise?

Rikku and I reached an agreement that it was screwed up. Authorities are more concerned for their own well-being than seeing the cause of true justice being carried out to its fullest extent. They prioritize themselves above it. They are only enforcing the law because "they were told to do so, they were paid to do so". Nothing as sincere as Light. This applies to every country, no exceptions. I do know it, I was just giving a scenario, an assumption to emphasize my arguments. A scenario... involves a specific series of events.... leading to a precise destination.. Maybe I should have worded myself better. In this scenario, Light does not know the faces of the other kidnappers but that innocent fella.

No, the loansharks made a promise not to go after anyone else in place of the man. So they won't be doing this again unless someone as foolish comes to borrow money from them. But by then, the loansharks could have already been killed by Light. He simply had to kill the man first to ensure other familes woudn't get implicated. The key word here is "possible". Too much lives at stake here. In conclusion, the world needs Light and the death note in order to force a change on it for the good of the future, in order to make sure no one dares to go against this good and in order to make sure people treasure their lives and a better world.

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 05-22-2007 at 01:48 PM.
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