Originally Posted by munzy
Hi to all, I want to ask an help to translate this sentence, I try a little, but I give it up:
FULL ALBUM出して全ての感覚を封入し出し尽くしたとは
次の景色に進まないとな。。。の前にTOURの内にLUMINOSE songの
世界観表現の完成度を上げたい!まだ歌いたりなーい! !
Many ideas came to my mind so I'll writing down. (I'll advance) as long as
I say that I spent all the thoughts in the full album came out.I must advance
the next scenery /project.
First, I want to improve the completeness of the expression of the world-view
of LUMINOUSE song within /from the tour . I still haven’t sung enough
Thank you I hope you can help. This part here言え時 is complicated to figure out. 
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