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RadioKid (Offline)
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03-04-2014, 11:19 AM

I did not know the English word "obese" until checking it in the dictionary.

Now I understand what it is and can answer your questions.

Name: RadioKid
Age: Adult with one wife and two daughters
Location: Yokohama, Japan

I like rice and other foods like as TSUKE-MONO (something like pickles) or fishes which will comfortable match with rice.

Most popular food in japan would be SUSHI. Every japanese loves SUSHI. And also KONA-MONO (Powder Things: like as OKONOMI-YAKI, TAKO-YAKI, MONJA-YAKI etc) is popular. And I can not list up ALL the popular Japanese foods here.

I'm 172cm tall with 73Kg weight. But my doctor recommend me to reduce my weight. Also at my annual health exam, they instruct me "Your ideal weight is 65kg. Keep your weight under 70kg!".

The basis of these advice is based on BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is calculated as Weight[kg]/(Height[m]*Height[m]). My BMI value is 24.6 and the allowed BMI for adult is from 18.5 to 25. I'm at the edge of the range.

I think this BMI rules the weight of most of Japanese people supported by their doctors.

(to be continued...)

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Last edited by RadioKid : 03-04-2014 at 01:38 PM.
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