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06-18-2014, 01:56 PM

>Hokoru is described always as "to boast of; to be proud of" (which is the verb, right?), but the "pride" noun itself isn't "hokori" (誇り)?

「誇る」は動詞です。名詞にすると「誇り」となります 。

>But couldn't it be 誇る translated as "pride", when you use te particle が ?

「田中将大は日本が誇る名投手です。」 "Tanaka, Masahiro" is pride of japan as an excellent baseball pitcher.

>As the jisho describes, one of the possibilities is "2: indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions)" when searching for "ga".
>And "something to be proud of" isn't something that gives you pride and therefore being YOUR pride itself?

I can not catch your point.

"something to be proud of" corresponds to "誇りに思う something". And Yes, it means "something that gives one (the talker) pride".

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