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RadioKid (Offline)
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07-05-2014, 03:50 PM

Here is Japanese style MANZAI (Japanese Stand-up comedy?) with English Subtitles.

These two guys have clear role in their style. TOKUI (left side) is called BOKE (idiot) and FUKUDA (right side), TSUKKOMI (pointer out).

BOKE plays somewhat idiot and funny things and TSUKKOMI points it out to clarify or to explain for the audience.

In this case, TOKUI (BOKE) has his own special funny concern against BBQ especially for the order of the materials and it embarrasses FUKUDA (TSUKKOMI).

There are some hard parts to translate marked as "???".

First one is "It is up to you that the thoughtless couple go to PACHINKO from the morning".

Second one is "It is up to you that elementary school children participate the disaster drill with half smiles".

At the "??" part, TOKUI just say 五合(GOGOH: about 900g) as GONGO.

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Last edited by RadioKid : 07-05-2014 at 04:00 PM. Reason: added " with English Subtitles."
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