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Wednesday (Offline)
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Unhappy Children living alone (Japan) - 08-06-2014, 04:40 PM

Recently, you might have heard of the death of a 15 yr old girl Aiwa Matsuko in Japan who was murdered by her school mate. The school mate lost her mother one year ago (cancer). Three months ago, the father remarried and let his daughter live on her own. He was giving her money. They kept contact but she still lived alone.

I remember all these Disney movies where the main characters were orphans or lost one parent. In " Kamikaze Kaitō Jannu" or "Senshi Sera Mun" were characters who lived their own while being underaged. I don't know about Germany (when you turn 16, I guess) but is this actually a common situation in Japan? I wonder.

At what age do children in Japan move out? When they go to university I suppose.

"Freaks rule!" (._.)v
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