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08-17-2014, 09:47 AM

Here is the message from Tobacco institute of Japan (in Japanese).

Saying... (Machine translation by Google)

Summary is as follows.
Will not be advertising the product using the following media.
Television, radio, cinema, TV board, Internet sites (unless that can be intended only for adults technically).
Advertising medium of highly public places outdoor advertising signs, such as public transportation (however,. Except for the smoking area and point of sale of tobacco)
By the following when performing a product advertisement using newspapers printed publications, such as magazines.
Is not carried out product advertising to those of minors for.
And limiting the area and posted face of the advertising, further, for a daily newspaper, to limit the number of times the ad.
Is not carried out product advertising and sales promotion activities that appeal to minors or directed to minors.
Talent is a popular minors, not used for product advertising or character model primarily.
The promotional item, it is assumed that mainly adults.
Distribution of sample tobacco, minors and is not carried out as for non-smokers. In addition, it is not performed in highly public places.
I want to clearly displayed below the product advertising.
(The display on the area corresponding to 15% of the ad) Caution language on smoking and health
Tar nicotine content in cigarette smoke
Language that is required in order to prevent misleading consumers
I want to display clearly the following packaging.
Note language on smoking and health
Tar nicotine content in cigarette smoke
Language that is required in order to prevent misleading consumers
Containers and packaging identification
I can see from here voluntary standards, for manual

(一社)日本たばこ協会-(一社)日本たばこ協会の活 動-自主規準の設定

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