Originally Posted by RadioKid
>as a foreigner name does it sound weird to you ?
No, not at all.
>do you think Japanese will see it as a weird name ?
No, not at all.
Why are you so nervous about your name?
So how to put it..
Some men are attracted to blondes, some to Europeans, some to tall women AND I'm attracted the most to Japanese women, that's how I am.. (I think they're the most beautiful in my opinion

So anyway this might sound weird and not something someone will post on such forum but I would like to date Japanese women in the future and I was wondering how is my name being looked at from Japanese people perspective because name although not the most important thing in love matters it can create first impression, if you ask me as human beings we associate names to things, have you ever heard a name that made you think a little bit "dirty" because it sounds sexy or something like this ? Hopefully I didn't make my self to look like a complete weirdo on the internet ._.