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Jeikobu (Offline)
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Does debt/bankruptcy affect my ability to live and work in Japan? - 09-26-2014, 08:50 PM

I am currently in the process of applying for a work visa in Japan. However, I have a lot of unpaid debt to places in America (mostly hospitals) for matters beyond my control. I have been trying to pay these debts for years, but the many of the companies are not willing to negotiate payment plans very much. I am considering bankruptcy, but haven't decided yet. I am also planning to try to find a better paying job for the time being.

My question is, if I do apply for bankruptcy, will that prevent me from entering and working and residing in Japan? I have some money, just not enough to pay all my debts, so I could still pay to go to Japan and all if I get this visa.

Or, if I don't do bankruptcy, but continue to try to earn money to pay off the debts as much as possible, will I be allowed to enter and work in Japan even though I have a lot of debt in America? And would it possible to America to force me to return against my will because of the debt?

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