Would like yr comments on who u think are narcissist celebs -
11-01-2014, 02:05 AM
Hello, I am an American researcher of narcissism disorder. I'm half Jewish and half Filipino for those of you who are curious.
I am hoping to receive helpful feedback from Japanese persons who know of many celebrities in Japan, whether it be athletic, writers, famous political leaders or activists, actors or singers, including infamous ones.
What I would like is your personal view as to who among those types has something called "narcissistic personality disorder" or "narcissism disorder" for short, or abbreviated as NPD. If you don't know what that is, in short, it is a person who is very self centered so much so they don't care about whether or not they are hurting someone's feelings, even if they say that they care deeply about others (they are lying however, and only care about them deeply insofar as they can serve them in some way, even if it is just as someone who listens to them talk about themselves or their views). A celebrity narcissist often has many pictures of themselves or a few that will show a look on their face that can be described as smug or conceited or arrogant. Not all of their pictures will have such a look, but there will be usually, if there are many of them, at least one that shows it on their face. They are also boastful, though you may not always find a comment that is particularly boastful you will, if they are talkative, find one, or some arrogant comment though not necessarily boasting about their attributes. For example you may find a quote from them like, "If I wanted to I could have any girl I wanted" or an arrogant indirectly boastful one like, "This is a stupid world, just about everyone has their head in the wrong place. If the world wasn't so lazy they could get their act together and achieve something great for once." It's an arrogant insult of course to say such a thing, arrogant because when they say things like that they don't consider themselves as one of the stupid and lazy, and something they say will usually indicate that they feel they are an exception or one of the exceptions. They are hypocritical too, and make hypocritical statements, statements that contradict other statements they make and they are big excuse makers. I am not saying there is never anyone to share blame, but they rarely, except for publicity reasons will take blame, and if they do, they truly do not want to and something they may say will indicate that sometimes or the expression on their face may betray their words.
There's many narcissist celebrities in America who've I've identified, but can you list some that you are absolutely sure are narcissists in Japan? I would also like to know of any popular persons in fringe culture who are not necessarily celebrities, but well known among some aspect of Japanese culture, like say, some speculative area of science, or some artist in the art world of Japan. When you give me a list, or someone you are very sure is one, please give me their name in japanese characters too.
If you would like to be credited for your help please give me your name. If you want public credit for it, let me know.
Remember I would like your personal (little) list of the most indisputable Japanese celeb narcissists, not ones you are unsure of. Indisputable ones in America would be ones like Eminem, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Lindsay Lohan, Andrew Dice Clay, Michio Kaku, Madonna, etc. They are not narcissists merely because they have lots of pics of themselves, talk alot about themselves, say a few arrogant things, do some immature things. A key signs are very insulting remarks, consistently rude and arrogant behavior, paranoid beliefs, outrageous arrogance and boasting, like thinking they are like God, or something ridiculous like that.
if you want to know more about narcissism signs go look up narcissism and eternian on google.
Hate evil, love good, maintain justice in the courts. - The prophet Amos