Looking for a "full-kanji" language textbook -
06-22-2015, 03:15 AM
Hello, I've learned all the 2,136 joyo kanji ( this has helped me a lot, in reading a lot of stuff on the streets, i just hate being illiterate in the language,so I just got that out of the way) , and I'm looking for a Japanese language textbook that is written in " real " Japanese, that is, that there is always a kanji where it belongs.
I've seen " mina no nihongo series" . I like it with its furigana, but in some places, the kanji is lacking , for example, the word " issho ni " (meaning, " together"), the whole thing is written in hiragana, instead of the kanji for " issho".
How do Chinese students in Japanese language schools in Japan learn? Do they use mina no nihongo? Since they are familiar with kanji already, (I know the hanzi is different,but still, there are many similarities), they can go straight to a real japanese , full-kanji textbook, thank you.