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CoolNard (Offline)
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05-25-2007, 08:42 AM

Roger that, Mikami-kun

Originally Posted by Rikku777 View Post
OMG!??!?! You guys are crazy, I don't see how you can agree with Light's ideas! You may like him because he is 'cool' or whatever, but how can you agree with what you are even saying! Shame on you AND Mikami!! *shows up at Mikami's house as well with handcuffs*
'Works step by step?' Thats like me saying, "There is this guy I like and I am going to work step by step and if I don't like him or he does not give me what I want then I am going to dump him so hard, he won't know what hit him."

If it was real life, and in the script, L would be catching every criminal. You see how smart he is and how he figured out Light was Kira. Death Note just does not show all of L's previous makes him more mysterious...*stares dreamily at the picture of L that L drew me* Huh..? I can't debate now...leave me alone with my picture of L!!!=P

*ahem* Oh yeah, you said.
Our system is screwed up because only these guys have authority? That's pretty much akin to agreeing with me on my views. Authority should be shared among people similar to Light.I agree that our system is all messed up, I don't agree that Light should rule the world and kill whoever he sees fit.

Different? No, you just wish it to be different. If it was Kira flying a plane into them, you would agree and say, "Kira knows what he is doing he isdoingitforthegreatergood, blah blah blah." But no, they were did it, trying to free the world of us, 'criminals', if I may. They believed it was right, Kira believed killing was right, we believe not killing and serving justice is right, so who is right? Us of course. The L supporters. We would not kill just cause someone did something we don't like. Heck, If I did that, only about half the worlds population or less would be alive.

Everyne has been dealt injustice, or has dealt someone is Kira going to kill us all? That is his only choice.

What? Get suspected easy? Killing ever single criminal of Heart attacks is easy to suspect. But rare and random killings and not flaunting yourself on tv would be more discreet and less of a chance to get caught as easy.

We are justice because we GIVE second chances. That person could have been wrongly accused or sorry once they got out, we are giving people a second chance. And criminlas can't do to much while in jail, so we are safe.
Light works towards fulfilling the wishes of the general population. Most of the people on earth hate crime don't they? Don't you? Hence, they'd most likely agree on his ideals. If we relate this to your case, this guy's an idiot because he doesn't know the proper procedures for treating or satisfying another human of the opposite gender. Of course, that is assuming your tastes for guys don't differ from the majority of the female species.

No, he did not figure out Light was Kira. The closest he did was suspect as he had insufficient evidence pertaining to the case. Also, due to unforeseen circumstances, L had to bring down his suspicions by a good percentage. So you see, by not reaching 100% in his hypothesis, L could not conclude that Light was indeed Kira thus, he did not figure it out. What L did previously only gained him experience, nothing more. The fact that Light won just proves that Light isn't in the same class as those criminals. Infact, he isn't even one. If you can call Light a criminal, I can classify L as one as well.

Whoever he sees fit refers to people who are guilty of perpetuating heinous crimes and those in the way of his ideals. Whatever it takes to purify this world, even if it takes more than half the population's lives to achieve it.

I don't see the link between crashing into a building recklessly, without any logical explanation to justify their actions, "doing it for the greater good." If Kira did that sorta thing without a good reason, heck, I'd convert to a L supporter instantly. They are basing their judgement on a higher being, an invisible being, one that has no firm foundation to rely on except your own faith. Kira chooses to structure his ideals based on the belief of the majority, the general population, that do not exactly view crime as an act of holiness. That's the difference, not merely a wish, which you wish was one =P Kira does not kill anyone he doesn't like... He always and always has a perfectly sane justification for his killing someone, which I believe I have already elaborated on so many times I'm tired of repeating myself. Also, that might explain why there is still more than half the population in the anime currently in existence

That depends mainly on 3 things. The circumstances, repentance, and how heavy the injustice is.

He did not kill off every single criminal with heart attacks. Furthermore, even if he did that, it wouldn't make suspecting him any easier or harder. He appeared on TV as a warning to criminals, as a warning to the police, as a solid and natural entity, as a savior the people can recognize as their justice. Like I said, for everything he does, Light has an extremely good reason for it.

Well, that depends on what they did, doesn't it? Why do I see some people being imprisoned for life, or sentenced to death because of a first time offence then? Second chances don't apply to everyone and what they did. Similarly, Light has never killed anyone wrongly accused before. The main ones in his list are big time criminals. Those who actually have been convicted, have sufficient evidence behind their misdeeds, and are not even sorry for what they did, but sorry that they got caught. Criminals may not be able to do much in jail, but what if they're allowed a second chance? Who is to say they have genuinely and completely turned over a new leaf? Second chances come with risks. The heavier the offence, the higher the risks. Killing off the 'heavier' criminals will therefore reduce the risks by a fair margin.

P.S. these are for the replies Rikku made to my arguments. I'll do the others in a short while. We'll be right back after this commercial ^_^

What if I had the chance to kill Light to save the 1,000 FBI agents he was going to kill? Ok, then I will take the Kira supporters advice and Kill the one person, Light, to save the 1,000 agents. Thank you for your help in this choice.
Easy question. Light is Kira who is taking it upon himself to save the world from evil. Calculate how many people are presently in existence (still counting). 1,000 FBI agents are nothing compared to that. This is what I meant by L supporters always looking on the mere surface. Everything has a link to it - Light saves the world, is engaged by agents who are trying to accomplish the same thing but with different and less effective methods. Kill the world? Kill Light? Kill the agents? To salvage this world, to save a trillion lives, I would help Light kill the 1,000 FBI agents, instead. Therefore, I have said this before and I'll say it again just to link my points together, "the ends justify the means".

Edited: To Rikku:
So this is what they mean by happy suffocation

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 05-25-2007 at 12:48 PM.
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