*Yes, i finally found some inspiring song (i got inspiration from a book much sooner, but i followed kanji's advice j/K

Well here's some reading pleasure for the ones who're following the story, hope you like it.*
As darkness starter to make room for light, my eyes quietly opened, openend to see the horror which was playing infront of my face. Tatsu was lying there dead and a man... I tried to remember some of the things which have led to this event. I remembered the very first time i met Tatsu, even then i knew he was ment for something bigger. Some men are forged for peace and some for war, he and i, together forged for the one in between. Then i put my thought back to the present back to the man who was the cause of the death of Tatsu. It was an adnormal kind of man, he was much taller then other people, i could feel the muscles of his body tighten, even trough the thick black armour he was wearing. In his right hand he was holding a fiery, black claymore. Even though the flames of the sword were reaching his hand when he put the sword down, he diden't move his hand an inch. Like i said, some people are forged for peace and some for war, but some are different. He is forged for the fire. I've heard of this man, this so called 'elite'. But i don't remember him being on the side of the enemy, the dragons.
The guards that spotted me earlier and followed me to Tatsu's cell have finally arived. Around 5 guys showed up behind the large body of this 'black knight'. All of them were half the size of the knight, around my size. They diden't have any unnaturally large muscles, just like myself. They diden't have a thick black armour to protect them from harm like the knight, like myself who was standing naked in the cold cell.
The guards have surrounded me and slowly came closer, they were armed with spear and shield. They held the spear a bit above the shield and with the shield they protected themselves from me. As the middle guard came closer to me he suddenly charged and carved his spear deep in my left shoulder. The edge of the spear showed up at my back, surrounded with a spore of blood. I diden't feel the pain, as anyone else should feel. The other guards held foot while the guard that attacked me removed his helmet to look why i diden't move an inch. The guard pulled out the spear leaving a hole trough my shoulder that soon filled with blood. The guard was looking suprised at me, he diden't understand. Then i smilled:
'Don't you understand, I AM IMMORTAL.'
A voice from the back yelled out:
'We'll see about that !'
Then the guard who stabbed me was thrown away by the huge black knight who diden't said a word ever since i've seen him. As he charged at me, i diden't felt afraid of the monster that was twice my size who carried a weapon that could easily slash this entire building down with one strike. He swinged his sword aiming for my neck when i stopped it with my hand. My hand was starting to burn from the flaming sword. The knight grabbed his sword tightly with two hands to increase the pressure. Eventually a drup of blood felt to the floor. The knight noticed the blood and said:
'You're not immortal, you just have a big mouth!'
He began to put his whole weight on the sword and soon more drups of blood began to hit the floor. The guards that weren't thrown away starred at the strugle. Suprised that a hand stopped a sword, a huge, fiery sword. I closed my eyes and tried to picture Myzura, Tatsu, Nozomi, Swiftant and all the others inside my mind.
When I opened my eyes, i was confident and thus i smiled again. I grabbed the fiery sword with the same hand that was being pressured by the sword and tried to push it back a little. Then i shouted out:
AM immortal.'
When the sword was slightly pushed back a flash of light arose from the palm of my hand. When the blinding light was over the sword was shattered to pieces and the fire was extinguished. With my right hand i grabbed for the throat. But the huge animal wasen't getting choked, he was still paralysed from the light, but soon an other light was going to be the end of him.
From the palm of my right hand another light appeared, but this one was in the form of a lightbeam and sliced the throat of the knight. His head fell to the ground as his body did the same, the guards quickly ran away.
I kicked away the head of the knight which fell out of the cell into the hallway and then to the bottom of the stairways. I grabbed Tatsu on my shoulder and started walking down the stairs as i noticed something different on Tatsu. Besides he was dead and cold that is. He wore a ring i haven't seen before. I began to think he and Nozomi might've married or something. I have to find Nozomi to clear this up, but first i need to see Myzura again.
*PS: i'm not really immortal, but it will be explained later, i have many plans now
