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TegoshiKawaiiDesu (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2007
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05-27-2007, 05:15 AM

ohh... to support my thoughts of being in L's side:

if light was god, he would kno the reasons y ppl do something bad.. the real heroic thing to do is CONVINCE the criminals... yes.. it sounds stupid to talk to a murderer.. but hey, its courageous enough.. by killing off the criminal is like...... killing a bully in your school or divorcing someone without talking about it... its a chicken move!! dont accuse people before you know the whole story! wt if they stole money because they desperately needed it for... a surgery for someone they loved?? if you dont kno their life and past, u shudnt judge them.... does "master light" kno the past life of the criminals he killed? dont even dream of it. he wudnt be able to read minds even if he tried.. i kno.. i kno.. some police kills the criminals directly too... but they dont ALWAYS execute them... they let some minor criminals leave... unlike light, they dont judge whether some ppl deserve to live or not.. or if someone is worth living or even has a purpose to live

mikami... he perfectly explained the concept in light's point of view.. i kinda got convinced, but.. seriously.. u cant KILL them.. kira is NOT god.. he is kira [killer] for pete's sake! how can god b a killer? and like i said bfor, light will ALWAYS be writing someone's name in the death note.. wt happens wen the major criminals are all gone? the next criminals he wud kill will be minor criminals which will be theives [tht didnt kill anyone]... lol what seems to b right can sometimes b wrong..

Don't CRY because it ENDED. SMILE Because it HAPPENED.

From my previous account, AnimeFreak:

Anime is like a relative...
You cry for it...
You yell at it...
And sometimes... you might even hate it...

Yep. I'm AnimeFreak. I forgot my pass and trying to reset my pass was confusing so I made a new acount.

Last edited by TegoshiKawaiiDesu : 05-27-2007 at 05:28 AM.
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