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(#179 (permalink))
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Xlll (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 69
Join Date: May 2007
05-28-2007, 03:25 AM

Hmm, thanks for the response Jason, much appreciated. Well to be honest, I'm not too into the whole "fan club" and local parties that JET provides, I'm more into the culture and want to learn from them as well, would you recommend me joining a "private company" like yourself instead of joining the JET Programme? Also, I also have a problem with the time of process when applying to the JET Programme, which is another drawback of the program itself. How's working for a company so far for you, and if you could join the JET Programme if offered, would you have a change of heart or stick with your company?

Edit: Also, say I'm not into the whole orientations and countless gatherings that incoming JET's have to go through when they first arrive in Japan, is my best bet to avoid such matters is to join a company?

Last edited by Xlll : 05-28-2007 at 03:43 AM.
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