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(#180 (permalink))
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Hatredcopter (Offline)
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05-28-2007, 05:11 AM

Originally Posted by Xlll View Post
Edit: Also, say I'm not into the whole orientations and countless gatherings that incoming JET's have to go through when they first arrive in Japan, is my best bet to avoid such matters is to join a company?
Are you saying you don't want to be trained on how to do your job? Because that's what most of the orientation entails. Working for the JET Programme isn't going to make you miss out on any of the 'cultural' aspects of Japan. It's your choice whether you want to congregate with other foreigners all the time or not. You can be as independent in the JET Programme as you can in any of the other private Eikawa companies - no one's making you attend JET "parties".

Concerning differences between JET and private companies, where and how often you work is usually different. But your day-to-day life and your social life, as well as how you want to experience Japan culturally would not be different.

That said, you said you were just becoming a senior in high school if I remember? These things are a long way off for you. You should be thinking about where you want to go to school. Which school, the costs, etc -- you should be looking at schools and asking whether this school will give you the skills you need to work in Japan - it's fine to investigate your future career prospects, but you shouldn't worry about all the minute details until you're a little further along in college. Trust me, even if you still want to go to Japan, your aspirations and goals of what you want to DO in Japan may change by the time your in your junior/senior year of college.
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