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(#21 (permalink))
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Haggis (Offline)
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Location: England
05-28-2007, 04:53 PM

Petshop of Horrors... tricky to describe.

The reason I said the artwork put me off is that it's in a Shojo style, lots of flowers, feminine looking men etc. but in a way this makes the deaths seem creepier when they do occur.

Plotwise, it's a bit like Gremlins, you buy a pet and have to follow certain rules like don't feed it after midnight etc. However each pet appears in a human form but still retain their animal nature (like a rabbit appears as a young girl to a couple who have just lost their daughter). So do they get treated as animals or as humans and which is better?

This is where the morals part kicks in, each story presents obvious moral lessons, it looks at the nature of animals, the nature of man, and tries to show how our natures are linked to our fate (it's all a very obvious greed and envy will lead to a bad end, and a good heart will have a happy ending type stuff). A lot of the fates turn out to be pretty bad though which is where the horror bit kicks in. Well worth a look.

Last edited by Haggis : 05-28-2007 at 04:56 PM.
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