Originally Posted by YaksokuDa
Hmmmmm, it could be genetic could be cultural diet, or both. What I think is, when a baby is in the whome (sp) and the mother is fat and eats a lot, then the baby inside has a higher chance of being a little fatty. my mum is skinny, my dad will be skinny still, and I'm skinny. My (non-blood related) Autie is fat, all 4 of her kids are fat, you could say eating habbits are to blame or genetics. I say a mix of both but, if you're born to a fat mum BEWARE! I'd say.
It was once said that if you went back 100-200+ years ago, you couldn't see a man over 6ft in all of Japan. (Dunno where I heard that, TV I think) Then, after the war westernised food was brought into the Japanese diet, now there is 6footers everywhere, fat people are more numerous ect.
Sounds crazy but that's how I kinda see it.
I guess what i'm saying is, Genetics can sorta be altered by Diet over a much shorter period of time than you'd think.
But bah, what do I know? =__=
quite alot evidently XD. yeah with all those preservatives in food nowadays, im not surprised people are growing to be 6 footers.